Saturday, May 26, 2012

Legal immigration increasing in the United States | Fairfax County ...

Illegal immigrants coming from south of the border into the United States is an occurrence that has been happening for years. However, a recent report shows that the number of illegal immigrants crossing the border into the United States has decreased. Interestingly, the number of Mexicans leaving the U.S. has increased. In fact, it shows that the two cancel one another out. Some say this change in immigration may be because of improved border security coupled with a weaker U.S. economy, which has affected all states, including Virginia.

Regardless of the reason, another important fact has been shared in regards to immigration. More and more individuals from below the border are crossing into the United States legally instead of illegally. At the beginning of 2000, the number of legal immigrants coming into the States was under 10 percent, a number that skyrocketed to 50 percent in 2010.

Most of the legal immigrants entering into the United States were thanks to family reunification; however, about 90,000 individuals came with an H-visa, which is a common work visa. About 10,000 that crossed the border legally did so with school visas. Approximately 2,000 crossed with E-2 visas, which are for investors and business persons.

This interesting information hopefully shows those who may be skeptical that the path to legal status in the U.S. is possible. The process may seem daunting, but for most in Virginia and across the country, sticking with it may pay off in the end.

Source: Daily Political, "Legal Immigration on the increase from Mexico," Michael Burg, May 14, 2012

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