Sunday, March 17, 2013

They won?t have Mayor Johnson to kick around anymore, Susan Steer?s 15 minutes is up and a wild day at Albany?s St Pat?s day parade.

Shortly after the last election when Saratoga Citizen and charter change was soundly defeated Mayor Johnson decided not to run for reelection despite enormous pressure from city leaders for him to run for a fourth term.. .

Scott?s accomplishments for this city are endless. I have known a lot of wealthy people and politicians in my day of both parties. Many were great at amassing even larger fortunes, many sacrificing their honor, integrity and soul in the process. Scott was not one of them. While Democrats clamored for a new Police Station and larger Public Safety budget, Scott built a rec center next to public housing. He opened the water front park and the Spring Run Trail. He built the largest and most visibly appealing parking garage in the city while Dems bitched and moaned. ?Rarely does a politician go out on top but Scott did. ?In the full measure of time I believe the cities new Rec Center will be named in his honor and I also believe that the Congress Park Carousel should be named after former Public Works Commissioner Thomas McTygue. Knowing both men? they are both? too modest to accept the honor but they both deserve it.

So what happens next? Joanne Yepsen, has been orchestrating her big announcement while colluding with the league of women voters.

Tuesday there is a photo shoot {Yepsen loves those} for ?A Seat at the Table: Local Women in Politics?. Ostensibly for ?Honoring local women who have so generously served our community.? So the picture of Yepsen will be in Wednesdays Saratogian and that?s when she will have her press conference to make the big announcement. ?I wonder if she gets elected if she will create a ?Official Mayoral Photographer??

Then at the event Sunday 4-5:30?A Seat at the Table: Local Women in Politics? at Empire State College Administration Building 2 Union Avenue, Saratoga Springs, Yepsen will be the center of attention and the nonpartisan league was in on from the beginning.

In other news Nurse? Cratchit? Speer?s 15 minutes of fame have pretty much run its course as less than 20 anti-gun protestors showed up and quickly went home after they got cold. The show was again low key and had big crowds just like it had for the last thirty something years. Time for Nurse? Cratchit? Speer and her group of shrinking followers to get a life.

And finally I made it to my Albany office today to watch the St Patrick ?s Day parade. The crowd was drunk, loud and they had a blast as the Albany Police abandoned the open container laws in the city.

Paul Tonko marched as did "Chuck" Schumer. I was afraid Yepsen might drag herself out of 677 Prime and jump on his back as he went down State. Fortunately she was drinking somewhere else today

But Albany is a tough place and a series of low intensity fights broke out on the Capitol lawn. Albany Police acted professionally and quickly to break up the crowd and no arrest were make.

I will be back tomorrow night.

Saratoga In decline

We never Sleep

Because I worry for the future of Saratoga.


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